
I'll tell you my sins


02-05-2015, 01:29 PM
She would collapse, pleading eyes boating into him as she demanded answers but he could give her none. Nothing he could say would ever make this right. Nothing he could do would make this better. Even as he offered to help she would frantically shake her head, trembling at the mere thought of his touch and at that realization he would slowly lift his head and sigh. This was it. She was done with him, he had gone too far across the line to ever come back, she had known it since she had tried to drag him down with her, he was only just realizing it now. A question would drop from her lips. Why.

That was the straw, the final one for him. He would turn his gaze back to her, eyes hurt but there was a hardness to them. "A woman came to the boarders looking for you, she said you force claimed her mate. I killed her for you. I brought you a queen so you could exact your revenge for her loosing your crown. Cataleya I would kill anyone who ever crossed you path... I have mentored your children, treated them with kindness and respect. I am sorry that my daughters death broke me but I expected you of all people to understand..." His breath was shaky but his words were not, he knew exactly what he was saying and though the very words burned his throat as they came up he couldn't stop, not now that he had gotten going. But still his mind would race as he looked around in search for any herbs he still might use to help her.

"I'm sorry I haven't been sound of mind but I have been there for you every step of the way. And yet you still treat me like I'm expendable to you. So go. Go to Basilisk or Neios or Bass or your brother or any other the other men you dangle in front of me every fucking day. I can't do this anymore..." A tear would slither from his eyes, already his vision getting blurry and this time not from the blood loss. "But despite all that I still fucking love you. I didn't realize you were that close to the edge and for that I can't even begin to apologize because nothing I ever say will be enough...." That was it... He was done... His shoulder would slump before he would attempt to stand, only to fail. Fuck. So much for his plan of a big speech then storming off... So instead he would settle for folding his ears to his head and looking away from her.