
I'll tell you my sins


02-05-2015, 02:04 PM

Even through the haze, she could see the hurt in his eyes. They had done more than just fall over the edge of the ravine. They had fallen off everything. When he spoke, she was confused. What woman? Though that didn't really matter, she was dead now. But whoever she was, had come looking for her mate that had been captured. He spoke of the past, of Sibelle. And then of her children, not their children. He had wanted her understanding. Had she not been understanding? She had given all the time in the world to pick up the pieces after his daughters death, she had said nothing when he failed to rule beside, she had said nothing when all he did was hide away and sleep beside their children. She had accepted it all.

After a shaky breath, he would continue. And the truth would finally come out. Even through blurry vision, she would meet his gaze, or try to, as he repeatedly stabbed her with every word. He had never been expendable, nor would he ever be. [u]I can't do this anymore[/i]. How could five little words change everything? The world stopped turning, and she was certain that her heart had probably stopped beating, as the air left her lungs. She almost didn't hear the rest of what he had to say. He stilled loved her, and part of that registered in the back of her mind, but she still stuck on those five words. Her falling over the edge hadn't been on purpose, just a mistake, but it went in one ear and out the other. There was no masking the horror on her face. Ears pulled back against her skull, eyes watching as he struggled to rise, but to now avail.

She couldn't stay here. Legs would pull beneath as she tried to rise, though it felt as though the weight of the world was weighing down on her, pinning her to the earth. She would sway on her feet, barely managing to stand on three legs. This was it. Everything they had was gone, just like that. Never had she imagined that they relationship could be so easily thrown away. With weary and uncoordinated steps, she would approach him, stumbling more than a few times. Blood continued to drip down her chest and forelegs, she was kinda surprised she wasnt dead yet. But she still sought to press her nose to his throat, just below the curve of his jaw, inhaling his scent for the last time. Her deep breath made her ribs burn and scream in protest, but she needed this, if this was truly goodbye. "I-I love you." She would murmur, eyes closing as she bathed in the heat that rolled off him. And then everything would give away, legs no longer held her up, everything around her went silent and the world went pitch back. Shallow breaths would barely provide her the oxygen needed to survive as she crumbled to the ground at his feet.
