
into the woods

Cassius 1


3 Years
02-05-2015, 05:11 PM

He was glad that winter had gone, though he liked the snow he had not liked being so cold all the time. Not to mention the prey had all but vanished, and that which remained was far too crafty for him to catch. The most he ever caught in abundant times was a hare or two, or perhaps a bird. He had dreamed of the moment he might reunite with his family, particularly his mother who had always loved him despite his shortcomings. His father, he imagined, might look down upon him for what he had become. However, this was not the reunion he had had in mind. He hadn't wanted to look so pitiful, so skinny and scraggly. He had wanted to be different - better somehow. Perhaps that was why he hadn't yet succeeded in finding his family, because he hadn't succeeded in making himself worthy of returning to them. But it seemed his family had found him, his mother at least, and he wasn't yet sure how he felt about it. Her touch seemed familiar, and yet foreign at the same time. She told him not to apologize, and he would file her command away for future reference. He would not apologize to her if she didn't want him to. She seemed genuinely happy to see him, but how could that be the case? He was certainly nothing special to look at, and it wasn't as if he could ever be of any real use to her. He would only ever be a burden. A sigh slipped past his lips, as a moment of contentment washed over him. She lavishly groomed his head, and he would not object to her display of affection - how could he? “I'm h-happy to see you t-too,” he breathed, broken and choppy as it was. He was happy to see her, even if he wasn't happy that she was seeing him. “I look h-horrible, I'm s-” He had nearly done what she had told him not to, and immediately he would retract the beginning of his apology. He tightened his ears against his skull and lay still, wondering what would come of this encounter. Whatever it was, he could take it - he had done it before.
