
On The Road Again



7 Years
02-05-2015, 06:02 PM

Colten said that he man was here to help, kissing her cheek. She leaned against him, meeting his gaze and offering the boy a soft smile, even if she didn't believe him. He was here for nothing other than his own gain. When he roared at her she shied back, flinching away from his cruelty. Tears poured down her white and rusted face, before her lips pulled back once more and she growled at him with all her might. "I don't take kindly to you coming here and accusing me of this shit," she said, stepping forward to snap towards his face. She didn't step too far away from Cohen though, the boy still whimpering at her paws. "Did you happen to notice that it wasn't me who asked to leave? I would have stayed in Arcanum with him if your wife kicked us out. You think I took advantage of him? Ask who made the first move. I didn't want it, I didn't want puppies! But against everything else I fell in love with Colten. If you ever come here and accuse me of this I will fucking kill you." She spat. It would seem that the new mother had a bit of rage of in her, even after being a slave for all her life. "Colten had a choice, and he chose me over you. How does that feel, huh? He can leave at any point, I will not force him to stay with me. But I love him, do you understand that? Ask him the same thing, if he cares for me or not. You know nothing of me, or of us. I'm not using him, as you say. Colten is not stupid, and he can decide that for himself. And did you grant my freedom? I would hardly call being kicked out of the pack right after giving birth as freedom. I have been a slave all my life, and I doubt that that will be my last. But I am old, and tired, and I just want to raise my boy right." Pale blue eyes left his form to gaze at the little one now, a soft smile forming on her lips. Her eyes went to Colten then, tears still pooling in her eyes. "If you believe what he has said, then you should go back with him Colten. I care for you deeply, enough to let you go if I have to. But the choice is yours and yours alone. Don't let others dictate this for you." Ekko said with a sniffle, trying to push her face into his brown chest. She was so very broken, so hurt from all of this. She peeked up at Kylar, eyes narrowing towards him as she let out another growl. "If you think that I did this for my freedom, then take me back there. Fuck, kill me for all I care. But don't drag Cohen or Colten down with you. Don't place this all on them. I can't turn back the clock and change things, otherwise I would have a lot to change in my life. But I care for your grandson greatly, weather you believe it or not."

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