
On The Road Again


02-05-2015, 11:55 PM

Everything had been going so well. And then it was gone. Kylar would snap, lashing out with angry, hateful words towards Ekko. He would make bold accusations against Ekko, only serving to fuel the boys anger and resentment towards him. But when his grandfather finally threatened Ekko, he would snap. An angry snarl ripped from his russet lips as he took a step forward. Much to her surprise, Ekko could beat him to it. She would burst forth with equally angry words, standing for herself for the first time, probably ever. For a moment all he could do was stare in shock. He had never heard her say so much. Ever. Then three words would spill from her lips. He felt his anger melt, a small toying with his lips as peered down at her. When she would finally look at him, she would give a choice, a chance. A frown would immediately pull down the corners of his lips. I love you. He would murmur as she pressed against his chest, his neck arching to embrace her.

The tender moment didn't last long. His brother would erupt angrily, something he hadn't seen in awhile. Ears would fall back against his skull as his brother moved forward, placing himself between Kylar and Ekko. He remained unmoving until his brother turned a hostile gaze toward Ekko. Eyes would narrow as he struggled to rein in own his temper, but otherwise he said nothing. His brother would then turn on him, hissing angry words in his face before storming off. Finally, it was his turn to face his grandfather. He felt his anger return, overwhelming him and heating his body. Don't ever talk to her like that again. He would bite out, hackles bristling, lips peeling back to expose fangs. She did not rape me, she did not use me for anything, and you will not threaten her again. Angry words spilled like venom from his lips as he glared at his grandfather.

Without another word, he would turn, seeking to scoop up his whimpering son, pressing against Ekko as he signaled her that it was time to go. He wouldn't look back as he left his grandfather behind, he was still seething, his resentment towards the man only intensified. He had no desire to ever see the man again, right now, all he wanted to do was find his little family a safe place to settle down and sleep for the night.


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