
A Momentary Rest



6 Years
02-06-2015, 10:46 AM
Kuwindwa could not be certain exactly how long she had been traveling like this now. Just a few weeks? Or a few months? It felt like years sometimes. Every day passed in the same fashion: void of passion and doing only what was necessary to ensure her survival. There had been a time when the woman had considered forsaking that instinct and letting herself fade, but in the end she realized her folly for what it was: why punish herself for the crimes of others? Nevertheless, she knew she never really escaped the Pack. So she padded forward, blind to her destination. She could only think about the path directly ahead, never look behind, and always look forward.

The woman's gait stopped as she heard the rushing of water - a dreadful familiar sound. She was thirsty and a little tired. She had moved with little rest for the past week. Now was as good a time as any to take a break from the monotony that had become her life.

The sun was shining in full noon light, providing some warmth again after the bitter winter. Slinking ahead once more, Kuwindwa soon stood before the delta. She took in the terrain carefully, noting her only escape would be to flee if she needed to. There were precious few places to hide on the river delta unless one was particularly lucky or their pursuer particularly stupid. Flicking an ear - the only sign that she may be unnerved - Kuwindwa pressed on again until she reached one of the narrower, shallower streams to drink before returning to the grassy banks. It felt open. But she could see far here and her eyes were sharp. There were no wolves on the horizon, no enemies. Just her, alone, for miles around. Mind made up, Kuwindwa all but collapsed onto the grass, a soft sigh sliding from her lips.

It was likely she looked as bedraggled as she felt, even after sliding to her belly in the sun-warmed grass. There she remained in silence. Even after her head lowered, she never quite slept, one ear constantly swiveling or twitching. Still, this rest was more than she had allowed herself in so long, even this state was a relief.

i am . t i t a n i u m .
Plot with Kuwindwa