
A Momentary Rest

Psalm 1


2 Years
02-06-2015, 11:24 AM
Psalm felt rather comfortable leaving the safety of the packlands, after his 'inprisonment' he was still eager to run and go places that were not his home. A fact that his mother Novel was still rather nervous about. He'd assure her as best he could that he was growing up and that he could take care of himself. She still wasn't too happy but what she didn't know wouldn't hurt her. Somehow he's even managed to shake his brother, Hymn was off doing his thing and Psalm was going to do whatever he wanted. He was fearless, and even though he knew the Delta already he felt like he was still exploring it for the first time.

Mismatched paws carried him easily through the taller grasses as he set forth from the borders of the pack, with his eager feet eating up the ground beneath him. With an obvious skip in his step Psalm found himself eventually at the water's edge. The deepness was something he was sure to be wary of, having grown up near water he knew how to swim. He knew his limits fairly well though, and was quite sure were he to fall in the likeliness of getting out was slim. Smartly the boy would find a more shallow stream. The scent of another wolf was rather strong, like she'd been through her rather recently.

He'd feel his guard go up, but fear would not set in. He just had to be safe for his mothers. Still his curiosity outweighed his cautiousness and with bright blue eyes he would seek out this mystery woman. She did not have the scent of a pack on her, or the scent of anyone really. This was her and her alone. With his nose to the ground he didn't realize how close she was, but he wouldn't see her for his need to find her with his nose.
