
into the woods



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-07-2015, 08:10 AM
It was strange to be in his presence, and yet she couldn't help but love him all the same. He seemed broken, hollow somehow; nothing like her sweet Amalia, who had grown to be such a proud young lady. So much had changed since she had seen him last and there was so much to tell him -- and so much to ask him in return. She had certainly never expected to find him like this, hardly more than skin and bones, sitting gnawing on fruit instead of filling his belly with meat. And though seeing him in such a state broke her heart, she felt more complete than she had before the reunion; her children were all she had left and to find one was a success, no matter their condition.

Another whimper left her lips as he spoke, his voice quiet and shaky. It was little different than she remembered from his childhood, only slightly lower in tone, no longer the voice of a child despite its gentleness.  "I am so sorry," she was the one to apologize now. Why had she let her children go? They had been adults, free to do as they pleased, and yet she had not urged them to stay. Would she ever forgive herself for that?  "I shouldn't have let you go..." Though, perhaps it was better they hadn't witnessed what had happened between her and Maverick. The infidelity, the bastard children... how might the news affect Cassius, if at all? Her grooming had only been interrupted by her sudden apology before she returned, wanting to make him look somewhat presentable, though she knew he needed a solid meal before he'd look anything but starved.