
Let's adventure!

Talon I


4 Years
06-03-2013, 06:27 PM (This post was last modified: 06-03-2013, 06:45 PM by Epiphron.)

Talon was hesitant to leave his den without the company of his parents. As he awoke, the male's grey eyes blinked sleep away as he noticed that all of his family was gone. It was the first time he'd been alone; completely and utterly alone. His first instinct was to cry. Tiny paws quivered as he unsteadily brought himself upwards, creeping towards the opening of his den. He was growing more accustomed to his three legs, day by day -- truthfully, he didn't feel like anything was missing, but he knew he wasn't nearly as strong or fast as his siblings.

As he peered out from his protective shelter, there was no sight of anyone. No Seracians. Neither of his parents, or his siblings. But before he knew it, Misty came barreling in, pressuring him to join her in an adventure. He protested gently, but it wasn't terribly difficult for her to convince him to join her. The thought of being left alone -- and his sister out having fun without him -- was enough to make him quickly hop after her.


Talon was terrified. The forest was dense and foggy and he coughed slightly on the thick air. Luckily, rays of light penetrated the underbrush, giving them enough light to explore -- but it was still dark. Too dark for his comfort.

Despite his fear of the unknown, he tried to hide his uncertainty. He kept close behind Misty, desperately trying to keep balance as they stumbled over roots and branches. He moved much more awkwardly than his sister, but Talon knew she didn't care. "Misty!" he barked abruptly, small voice trembling. "I hear somethin' over there!"