
Is There Anywhere Left To Go But Down?



9 Years
Athena I
02-07-2015, 11:30 PM

Leo listened to Svetlana with interest as she spoke about his parents and their time in Ebony. He had no idea that they had stayed in Ebony... "That must have been between the time they gave up Seracia and when father... left." He quickly dodged speaking of his father's doings and disappearance, not particularly wanting to breach that subject. In was nostalgic and a bit sad to think of those days when his father and mother were still together, back before he and his siblings were all scattered here and there. His ears perked to hear her next words, her statement ringing more true than he liked to think. He gave a chuckle and was about to respond when suddenly a not so pleased voice met his ears.

He blinked with surprise, his mismatched ears flicking back and gaze turning with surprise to see a disgruntled fox staring him down and giving him the most dangerous of glares. Taken aback, Leo didn't really know how to respond. He spattered out a few things that were supposed to be words before Svetlana finally interrupted to introduce him to Korrin. He glanced from Svet to Korrin as he finally realized this was the fox she had been talking about before. He watched warrily as her little friend came over to stand at her side before finally conceding to his presence and giving him a 'hello'. He chuckled and gave a little dip of his head to Korrin, replying in kind with a, "Hello," of his own. He blinked and looked to Svet again with a chuckle, adding, "You really weren't kidding about the 'spirited' thing were you?"

"Talk" "You" Think