
Let My People Go



7 Years

02-08-2015, 01:50 PM

He had lost. He wasn't even able to protect his own family. The thought of going back to Abaven without Rhythm made him feel sick, so even though he was bleeding and broken he still made his way slowly towards Imperium lands, following the fading scent of his sister. He hadn't even stopped to talk to his sister and brother who had watched his shameful fight, to watch him yet again able to protect his pack. Perhaps he should just give Abaven away all together, just move his family somewhere else. But it wasn't fair, there were others in the pack, more than just him. He sighed, flinching as he tried to get to the border. He couldn't just give up, but oh gods did he just want to give into the guilt and quit it all. Then he wouldn't have to feel this awful feeling, one that made him just want to climb into a dark hole and die.

Bass reached Valentine's land, and he felt a flicker of rage rush through his aching body. Tipping back his head he let out a howl for him, before he flopped to the earth. There, he was going to bleed on the damn boy's land, see how he felt about that! But he wasn't going to give up on his sister, he would fight Valentine right now if he had too. He didn't care if he got more hurt, anything was worth it to get her back. But he had failed his family, his poor sister was dragged off by that black bastard. His lips pulled into a snarl, that spineless alpha sent a big fat goon to fight for him. He didn't even have the guts to come and fight for her himself. If he had, perhaps he would have been more open about letting him court her. But now... now he was die on his border before he let her keep her here a single night.