


02-08-2015, 04:27 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Keno
Age: 22

Character's Name: Philotes Olympus
Character Age: Pup
Season of Birth: Spring
Adult Height: 30"
Appearance Description:

Height:: 30” || Weight:: 91 lbs
Traits:: Sleek || Slender || Average Sized || Lean Muscle || Strong, Long Legs
Primary Coat:: Black #181818
Secondary Colors:: Black (Inner Ear) #3A3A3A || Black (Nose) #3A3A3A
Eyes:: Silver #EEEEEE

Starting from a young age Philotes is going to be the sort of wolfess who takes great pride and care in her appearance. She will keep dirt and debris out of her fur, carrying herself with dignity and grace. She is a girl of high breed, with an appearance that is of an average size and a sleek body. Her body lacks defined muscle, the most being supported in her long legs. Overall it is clear that her body is built more to be agile, rather than for brute strength.

Philotes is cloaked in raven fur, a beauty who bears a great resemblance to her mother. Not a single other strike of color marks her coat, almost making her seem like a melanistic puppy. It is only once she opens her eyes that her parents will she is not a miniature version of her mother. It is her eyes, instead of being black, are actually a soft silver. Even with this difference Philotes serves to be a reminder of her mother’s beauty and grace -- a living version of her spirit.

Proof of Purchases:

None needed! Natios had a free roll of three puppies and I am taking Roamer's puppy slot.

This pup is also taking place of Biull, who was recently deactivated.