
little pink seashells



7 Years
02-08-2015, 07:12 PM
The stranger fell, a more compassionate individual probably would have rushed over at that point to check the girl was alright. His mother certainly would have done, Amalia was a talented healer too and would have been able to patch up any sort of injury that the trip might have caused. Archelaus was not a healer himself though, though there were surely many things he was brilliant at he hadn't the foggiest on how he would help heal any wounds and so he'd stay put and keep out of the way.

That was the plan at least as he turned and began to walk away, but the girl was back on her feet, perfectly fine and now following him. At the sound of her pawsteps he would turn to face her, red eyes narrowing slightly at the rather dominant stance that she attempted to hold. Archie unfortunately for her sake wasn't the least bit intimidated by the display however. He had never known a time of being an alpha's pup but he had developed an ego all the same. Roman and Drashiel been respected and the same treatment would likely be offered to his grandmother; she may not have been an Armada but she was still family, there was obviously something worthy about her.

This pup however hadn't done anything just yet to earn his respect and it was quickly fading away as she began to speak, the gentle tones so timid in comparison to the stance she tried to hold. It was almost laughable in fact. Now did he proudly introduce himself to this stranger or did he show her how it was really done? He went with the latter. His own head and tail lifting smugly, not that he seemed small at all in comparison to the rather dainty girl before him. "Who is asking?" He enquired, his own voice louder and stronger. He'd never really abused his family's greatness before, even if she had no idea of his wonderful lineage yet, this still felt rather good.
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