
If You Love Me Don't Let Go


02-08-2015, 08:17 PM

When he stated they could loop around the boat, Zola thought he meant just around the boat and she was pretty disappointed. She wasn't no child that was scared of a leaf blowing across the way anymore! But as he would take off on a race she would throw her head and perk her ears in his direction.

"Hey!" She giggled some more, starting to trek her way after him. There was no way she could outrun Lian, even if she got a head start, but she still tried her hardest and then realizing he was running actually into the water she wouldn't hesitate to jump in after him.

Immediately leaping over the shoreline and into the water, she would shake and bristle through the cold with her tail flicking in and out of the water spraying ocean everywhere. She looked at Lian with a devilish grin before jumping up on her hind legs and trying to splash water onto him whether he was in the water or not. It was cold but it was tolerable, nothing was as cold as the winter they had just suffered through.

Walk "Talk" Think