
It Went By Like Dusk To Dawn


02-08-2015, 10:16 PM

She had never left the premises of the ship. But she wanted to prove, if not to anyone to herself, that she was able to make it by by herself. Of course she would always have Lian but if they were really going to go through with running away, what if he went out to hunt and she by herself? maybe she just wanted to make sure she could actually be by herself. She was always confined in the ship and now Armai was there to "keep her company."

She would just go past the woods of their den, an open snow plain ahead of her. She just had to make sure she didn't lose sight of the trees so that she wouldn't get lost. If anything, Lel or Lian would hear her cries if she were in trouble. But she was sure she could handle it.

Not having anything around her was especially weird... The open space was unbearable to her, she felt naked without having a wall around her. Even just a wall of trees would work. She would breathe deeply as she moved farther into the snow plain, looking back constantly to make sure the forest was still there. She thought she would be okay with getting out but her old fear of the outside world was still lingering. What was going to come by and swoop her away or kill her?

Walk "Talk" Think