


06-03-2013, 07:56 PM

Gabriel was growing at an astronomical rate... but not in the way of the vast majority of his siblings, while they grew taller, Gabriel seemed to want to grow more lengthy. He was losing that puppy fur and his first coat was beginning to come in. His dual gaze was beginning to grow near apathetic, loosing that puppy-like innocence and joy he once possessed. He avoided his steadily growing siblings at all costs, they demanded he wrestle, they demanded he play and Gabriel hated it. Yes... hate was a befitting word for the uncouth behavior his siblings displayed. Careening through the muck and grime as though they had no manners, no sense of decorum, his lip pulled up in a sneer, his dual eyed gaze narrowing. He hated filth. He hated feeling dirty.

He had been observing, watching as the hunters of Valhalla swept the earth, scoring their kills, and gaining their food. This was how his mama hunted, and his father too, he was eager to try. Rump wiggling in the air, he watched with unhindered concentration as the fluffy white rabbit nibbled on a healthy looking stalk of grass, his claws flexed beneath him and suddenly...he was off. Bodice careening towards the hare who screamed and attempted to flee. It was a scramble, a mix of fur and dust and terror reigning down in the tiny clearing. So focused was he, he didn't notice the dirt, he didn't notice the filth clinging to his ebony coat. He swiped at the hare, sending it careening into the air, he lost his balance and smashed into the ground. His eyes remained trained on the hare and as it fell he would extend his neck, snapping his jaws together and crushing the creature.

Blood rained down upon him and just like that the trance was broken. Blood stained his tongue and maw, it oozed down his neck and chest, drenching him in its coppery scent. His pupils would dilate, his breath coming hard, heavy and fast, every muscle, every nerve, every fiber of his being locked down and froze. For a split second there was a calmness, and then a split second later, he could feel every particle of dust that clung to his pelt, he could feel every drop of blood as it tainted him, he could feel how utterly unclean he was and every coherent thought dropped from his head like lead weights.

A full blown panic attack rooting in his heart.

Hyperventilating the pup would scream, legs flailing incoherently beneath him as he struggled to find his footing. The corpse of the rabbit falling forgotten to the left. Nostrils flaring, heart racing a thousand miles an hour the pup would fly, bodice careening over the terrain in a full blown flurry. Incomprehensible screams, cries, whimpers, fled his larynx in the form of broken words, as he flew like a demon possessed. He would crash into the lake, the sudden rush of water slowing his furious pace, the water would stain red and brown and his hysterics would only increase. Thrashing, careening, screaming his limbs would flail propelling his body deeper and deeper out into the lake. "Get it off!" The screech would come nearly inhumane, the rest of his babbling fits of terror were not cohesive.