
If I Had It My Way


02-09-2015, 02:02 AM

When Colten come to stand by his brother, Amarant would look around his head fiercely as if looking for birds to come down and attack him. But when he came back to look into his eyes, they were no longer filled with anger, but filled with devastation. "I-" He choked before looking around again and down and everywhere before shutting them and trying to think of what he wanted to say. It was there, it was all there in his thoughts when they were with Kylar and when he was sorting them out before he came here. But they were gone, they were no where now. An eternity passed before he could look back at Colten obviously confused and hurt, a look that he seemed to give his brother awfully a lot.

"I am sick and I am tired of losing everyone." He whined loudly as his eyes started to fill with tears but none of them were coming to fall. "Our freaking pack leader ditches us. You leave and mom dies." He emphasized the word to get it across. Did Maia die of a broken heart? Did he blame Colten for her death? Even it its wasn't a broken heart from her son leaving her, maybe he still blamed Colten. "We were taken from a man that I insisted to stay with because we couldn't have a father. And the bitch fucking kicks you out and I have no choice but to go with you!" Finally tears would come falling as if they would never stop. Colten had seen Amarant cry when Maia died, but this seemed to be worse, at least to him. It was a mixture or blame and hatred and he was all confused with his emotions. Ekko could probably hear him starting to raise his voice and probably hear him choking on his own air. But he had no shame in it; he never did. "I know it's not only me, I know you are here too. But there can never be a moment in this world that is right."

"You need-" Though tears where falling from his eyes his voice wouldn't falter, it was as strong as it could ever be. "You need to never let go of them. You never let go of them!" He demand that he take care of Ekko and their son, even though it was obvious he planned on staying with them Amarant needed to get it out. "You have to be the father. You have to be the dad we couldn't have. You have to be!"

He was broken. It was like if anyone touched him he would just go tumbling to the ground and shatter at the bottom. He was probably ruined by now but later he would be okay. And later he would be the same old Ammy he always has been.

Walk "Talk" Think