
Sixteen Candles


06-04-2013, 04:43 PM

It seemed he was always doing what was deemed necessary. It was his right as a King to run down threats, it was his right to perceive individuals as his mind chose to, and to question their motives as he saw fit. And yet, the King still regretted his quick leap to the wrong assumption. Had he thought about it a bit longer he might've come to a better conclusion - but had she been a threat that momentary hesitation could have been the demise of one of his pack, his family. No, hesitation was not the right choice, no matter how foolish he now felt. Perhaps hesitation had not been the proper reaction, but a little reservation would not have hurt. "Regardless, I could have given you the benefit of the doubt. But all of that is behind us now, Insomnia." He would leave off the complimentary miss since she had so politely hinted that it wasn't necessary. Tail wavered against the earth, sweeping dirt and debris across the terrain. A smile lingered on his lips as adrenaline slowly retreated from his veins. All was well now.

She lapsed into a story that divulged her relationship with Maverick - something the King had indeed been curious of. When she finished another apology came and Gerhardt shook his head, dismissing it immediately. "Any friend of my son's is a friend of mine. I'm only sorry I haven't heard of you before now. Glaciem is always welcome among our borders. I trust your pack is doing well?" Of course, diplomacy came first in any conversation with an allied pack member, and this would be no exception to that rule. He gave a gentle sigh, dissolving any remaining adrenaline and hyper vigilance that had remained from their chase. It wasn't often he moved at such a rapid pace, and it certainly wasn't often that he believed his pack to be in direct danger. It was a wonder he hadn't had a heart attack! He smirked at this thought, he wasn't quite that old yet.
