
Trust me



13+ Years

Treat 2019
02-09-2015, 09:24 PM

He'd curl over her, pressing her closer to his chest as she slowly answered him. A decision that would do more to change her world than she would even realize. She had no idea how Motif and Bass would react, though she had no doubt there wouldn't be as positive an attitude as she could hope for. She had every intention of being with them as much as she had been previously. Though she had doubts that her time away from Abaven was still as secret as she'd always intended it to be, they wouldn't even notice she was not a full Abaven member anymore.

Still, she knew that they would feel betrayed. How was it she was so able to agree to stay when Bass had fought so bravely for her. This was going to be the most difficult task of her life, but as she listened to Valen's laugh and felt the kiss on her head she knew it was worth it. This was the road that was going to lead to her recovery. She wouldn't have ever admitted but the reality was that she was wasting away inside while in Abaven, around every corner was a reminder of the loss they'd suffered. Every new lesson Shaye learned was yet another reminder that her brother's would never experience those things.

Though her voice had shown amusement her heart didn't feel the same way, she was scared stiff. Even with the tall brute's words. She'd feel him lean back and her features would turn to seek his face. Her smile had faded a bit, "They're not going to understand." Her voice turned soft and lost its confidence. "Bass is going to feel so betrayed.." Her ears had already fallen. How well could he aid her here? She'd whine softly, "This is going to be so hard." She'd blink back more tears as she stood up, ready to follow him to Bass. Her heart beating faster now than it had all night.