
It's been too long[secret]


06-08-2013, 02:31 PM
The male had to rest at ease now, he was back home. Though he wasn't as close to Nnoitra as he'd like to be. The male found himself needing to keep himself in shape, in which had been all he had done over the time he was being hunted. He wasn't as young as he used to be, but he was hardly growing too old to move around. While his prime was away he was happy enough to be back, though it didn't even remotely look like it. With the cold winter months his gold eyes mildly looked about. There were so many new kids here, he wasn't sure what to think of the pack anymore. Not that he had any interest. The old fool found himself falling for a strong man. In which he had the position, and now he did not. Not until the tournament though. Where he hoped to raise his rank back into what it used to be. If not, then he would simply do what he could to be at Nnoitra's side. After being interrupted so many times, his unrequited love had still not been released in the form of words.

"At least I'll get some sort of entertainment from the tournament, unless someone else offers up to willingly be tortured. I guess that's no fun though." Since when did he become so talkative to himself. Tavros snorted a little, laying on the ground at a comfortable position, though his guard was always up when it didn't look like it. Tavros knew all too well there were plenty of newcomers with a bloodlust to beat his ten fold. That was how life was, and he was not dumb in these factors. If only he could run into someone he knew, and catch up as the normal wolves would say.