
I Gave You All



7 Years
Extra large

02-10-2015, 07:56 AM (This post was last modified: 02-10-2015, 07:57 AM by Lark.)
It was strangely comforting when his father's call reached his ears. Though he was a serious boy -- far less sweet than his siblings, prone to being slightly cold and even a bit detached, his family meant the world to him and to be guided by his father was something he longed for. Without his parents, and without his siblings, he felt as though he'd had no purpose at all in this world. And his love was displayed in a rare, sheepish smile that crept over his lips, briefly cracking the stony exterior that he wore so often now, as his father nuzzled his cheek. Though he was growing older, there was familiarity in his touch and he would not deny the affections of his father, even if he might not return them as readily.

Bass told him that he wanted to spend some time with him, maybe work on hunt training. "I'd like that," he agreed gladly. The extent of his hunting consisted of chasing small rodents, which was really more of a form of entertainment than a means of providing sustenance, for he knew as he grew he would need to eat far more than the occasional rat or field mouse.

There was little hesitation in the rather large boy's gait as he trailed after his father, mirroring his posture easily. He, too, would dip into a crouch, feeling the grass begin to tickle his belly as he moved. His own nose dipped to the ground, catching the scent of a foreign creature in the air. "Yes," he answered his father softly, his voice breathy and low, not wanting to disturb whatever if it was that they were searching for. "What is it, Dad?"