
That's right, I said more babies


06-04-2013, 12:01 PM (This post was last modified: 06-04-2013, 12:04 PM by Thane.)

Personality Osiris will be respectful and well mannered brute.He cares for the well-being of his siblings and sees himself as the one who has to be there for everyone. He sets goals for himself and is very ambitious. Osiris will make sure that he reaches his full potential! And if he fails he is one to pick himself up and to try and try again. Osiris while ambitious, can be stubborn. He wants to always try things his way but is also open to others ideas. If he is to be put down by another wolf he won't listen. But only when there is actual meaning it will he take it and learn from it.

Osiris is also a brute of brains. His ideas are smart and quick but some may be intricate and thoughtful. He looks at the was of life and tries to learn from everything. From the clouds in the sky to the leaves on the trees he will always find something to learn from them. Along with his thoughtfulness and manners he will be a brute of culture. Osiris may be quiet at times and just be one to sit and think. Being social won't be one of his top priorities but he will get curious of his fellow wolves and go take a look around. He is one to wonder, a thinker.

Appearance: Osiris has teal sky blue eyes with white ears. He will grow to be a tall brute with a sharp frame. He will have a narrow yet defined muzzle which gives his face a sharp look to it.His nose will be a dark gray with a slightly darker gray starting above it on top of his muzzle. The dark gray starting behind the nose on the muzzle then gets lighter and lighter as it goes up, eventually almost white. The same effect with the same colors also appears on all four of his limbs as well.

Under his eyes they are underlined with white; the white goes all the way from his eyes to the tip of his tail. It flows from his eyes, down his neck, along his underbelly, and to the tip of his tail. And the white under the eye has three small dark gray dots aligning the length of the eye.

picture/reference of mine:

Alliance: Lawful good

RP Sample:

With his teal gaze looking up towards the sky; the sun glinted in his eyes. He took in a deep breath and slowly let it out with a sigh. He lay on his stomach enjoying the warm weather. A few birds flew overhead as they flew to their new destination. A small smile appeared on Osiris' maw as he looked around at his surrounding some more.

While settling his teal gaze on the trunk of a tree he began to think about it. The roots of the tree kept it still, sturdy, and strong. and what if the tree had no roots? Without any roots...the tree would fall down wouldn't it. And the leaves on the tree would die along with the tree. But in Osiris' life, what did those roots represent? Those roots represented his family, his parents, and his siblings. Those are his roots that held him down; those are the roots that kept him sturdy and strong.

The smile on his maw reappeared as hie white ears perked up at the song of a bird. Such beautiful sounds that birds can make. could he make a beautiful song like the birds? Was his howl a beautiful song? Surely it was, wasn't it. With a slow gentle motion of his head he tipped up his muzzle to the sky. Lips parted in an O to let out his own song of a howl.

After Osiris had finished he lazily let out another sigh before resting his head on his paws. With one last listen to the world around him, he let his eyes close. with calm gentle breaths, in, and out, in, and out...he fell asleep in the warm Sun of what he thought was a beautiful day.