
There's no use crying



6 Years
02-11-2015, 12:41 AM

The male wouldn't care much for her words, he didn't mistake it as concern. After all, he wasn't one who was that oblivious. He was actually fairly observant. Though a brow would raise on his eyeless eye. She stated out the obvious congratulations, it wasn't like he was without a plan. It was the recovering part that was the most difficult. Vereux had found out how easy it was within one season to get sick, and how long it took to recover. Now he had goals of his own, after leaving a wife and his sons. It brought his heart back to the stinging sensation. Though his head turned towards the cliff. Curiously as the wind moved through his slate blue fur. Some time ago it used to be infamous. Armada's were like a memory in the wind now. Vereux knew that if his father returned, he would not be very happy with what happened with all of them. Heavens knew what Isardis' would have done to Athena. It made him snort at the thought.

Vereux attention turned back to the woman, dark ears pulled forward. “Yeah well I don't exactly have anywhere else to go. I'm heading north well aware of my situation. If it comes down to it I flee.” he said. “What brings you out here? Loner I'm guessing.” Vereux had never been a loner before now. In fact, Vereux had never left the north until he had been tugged away from it. He had been an entirely sheltered Armada who stayed in his homeland the entire time. Though his home no longer existed. Yet a pack called Glaciem took on the name of the pack he grew up in and was in the lands that he grew up in and was born into. He was hoping to be accepted there. He was no king as he had learned, but hopefully he could find a place there. Even as an Armada, Vereux was proud of his heritage no matter who may have been within that heritage.

“I speak”