
misty eye of the mountain

Motif I


4 Years
02-11-2015, 01:36 AM (This post was last modified: 02-11-2015, 01:52 AM by Motif I.)

If this is to end in fire
Then we should all burn together
Watch the flames climb high into the night

The beauty and sweet scent of the orchid was lost to her as she crept, dejectedly forward to the edge that turned from the orchid, into the pack lands of Imp, and it was here she sat, for long moments, letting the light rain wash down her body until it soaked her through and hid the tears she had shed just moments before with her brother. There was nothing in Motif that could understand why her sister was doing this, surely Rhythm too could see the cruelty in this move, surely Rhythm knew how much Motif loved Shai, had seen it in her when they had gone back to his island, and yet knew, Rhythm knew that Motif had had every intention of turning around and walking right back to Abaven, she would have walked away from Shai if he had not gone with her, and she would have done it because she knew she could not live in this world if she was not beside Rhythm and Bass. She hadn't even thought Rhythm and Valentine where as close as she and Shai had become, she had not seen it in her sister, yet here she was moving to Imp to be with him instead of her it made her wonder... was her sister a stranger to her, did she know her anywhere as near as much as she thought she had?

Calling out father oh
Stand by and we will
Watch the flames burn auburn on
The mountain side

When at last she gained the will to raise her head and howl for her sister, it was a faltering, heart broken melody that whispered agony upon the breeze and carried with the wind into the territory her sister now called home, the jail cell that had held her sisters body, for a fleeting few hours, before it had captured her heart also and created a barrier that Motif could not fight to bring her home. Warriors she could battle, physical forces she could tear down, but as long as this place held Rhythm's heart, there was nothing she could do to mend the shattered one that lay, beating pitifully inside Motif's own chest. She whimpered once into the cold rain and harsh wind, before she pulled herself together, before she called upon her rage to hide her pain, pain her sister could not see.. no it was better to see that Motif was mad, then that she was dying from a broken heart.

And if we should die tonight
Then we should all die together
Raise a glass of wine for the last time

- I see fire by Ed Sheeran
