
Don't Ask



7 Years
02-11-2015, 10:13 AM

Kassander's eyes squeezed shut momentarily, and he drew in a deep breath to quell the sudden flash of temper that shocked through him as Maximous' insubordination went from subtle to... considerably less than. He didn't want to deal with this on top of everything else. "I am not going to send you away, Callisto," he said soothingly, though through the reassurance his voice was taut and his body stiff. "Ebony is meant as a haven and a protectorate. You are welcome to rejoin us and I would be happy to welcome you as a full healer. But the fact is that you would have kept something secret that could very well be dangerous to the pack. Knowing, we can protect you and ourselves. But not knowing that danger could take us by surprise and cause harm to the pack and those it protects. I'm sorry for what happened to you," he added, his voice softening and his sincerity clear. "I wish I could do something to change things. I am more than willing to put Ebony's resources toward putting down those who harmed you, if that is what you want. Think about it, and we can talk again when you have settled in."

But Maximous would have to be dealt with, now. "Maximous." The name cracked out like a whip as he turned his head, and his attention, back to the insubordinate healer.. no trace of hesitation and shyness. He let slip a bit of that temper, letting it buoy him past his natural reserve. His posture straightened, his head and tail coming up in a dominant posture he rarely adopted and his two toned eyes went hard as he stared down at the older male.

"You have been an issue since the day my sister took this pack from Katja. You have shown nothing but disrespect for her, for me, and for the Xanilov leadership since then. Whether you like it or not, Ebony was her legacy, and now mine. My age and experience are irrelevant to that. I am the alpha of this pack. If you are not prepared to accept that and look past your own prejudices, you are clearly not ready to be a ranking member of this pack. We need our healers and our warriors to be ready and willing to support the pack, not tear it apart by breaking rules and showing disrespect because they think they can get away with it. A sola knight is not allowed to accept wolves into the pack no matter who that wolf is. They are not allowed to invite wolves who are not members over the border. They certainly do not allow them to remain unattended and not call a ranking wolf to take over. It is not their place, and clearly you never learned that, or chose to disregard it completely."

He took a deep breath and then dropped the bomb. "Until you can prove to me that you can handle the responsibility and deserve to be ranked among the healers once again you will be ranked as a commoner. You will have no prestige among the pack, and you will no longer be considered a healer in any official capacity. You will be ranked beneath the students, and the apprentices. Do not force me to demote you further, Maximous. I am no longer going to tolerate your insubordination." Bristling, he turned abruptly away from the pair to stalk back into the territory. His ears quivered from reaction, and his breath threatened to catch as his heart raced, but Kassander outwardly maintained his calm as he left the healer to take in the torrent of words.

-exit Kassander unless stopped-
