
my how things change



7 Years
Athena I

02-11-2015, 11:45 AM

Dione questioned her on her parents and grandparents and she would answer the question without thinking much of it. She was distracted by her search enough that it was easy for her to get past her shy nature at open up a bit. "We all live together. My mom, grandma, dad, and siblings. Buuuuut Grandma and Mom haven't been around much lately, neither has my brother Regulus... And my Dad got in this big fight and now he can't see any more so he's been really sad and hasn't been around much either." Sadness tugged at her when she thought about her scattered family. She missed the days when Mom would take her and her siblings out on adventures and Regulus would get into all kinds of trouble but it was always fun to watch.

She was quickly distracted from her thoughts however when Dione suddenly bust out happily in response to seeing the plant Zuriel had found, staring at it like she was in awe. Zuriel smiled happily and her tail wagged as she stood by the plant proudly, happy that she had been able to help her new friend find what she was looking for. Her ears perked up and she listened to Dione talk about her daughter that also loved herbs and that she was actually growing them. Zuriel's mouth dropped open and she blinked as she thought of all the possibilities. They could have as much of any herb they wanted! And since it was warm in the south they wouldn't all die out when it got cooler like it did here! She jittered with excitement as she realized all of these things and she peered up at Dione hopefully. Why had she never thought of growing them before?! "Oh could I please meet your daughter and learn how to grow herbs too, miss Dione? I'm a really fast learner and I'd really like to help out!" She was practically bouncing in place as she waited for Dione's answer. She didn't think she had ever been this excited!

"Talk" "You" Think