
Burn it down [meeting]



5 Years
02-11-2015, 02:13 PM
 Vitti would wait, patiently and silently beside his mother. He would attempt to shift to touch her, to press a gentle shoulder against his mother. It was only in comfort that he wanted to lean against her, but for herself or him he wasn't positive. He watched as the crowd began to grow and, at the same time, shrink. Many seemed to want to leave, but others seemed to want to join. It almost didn't make sense to him, but he wasn't entirely used to pack life. He had never fully been to a pack meeting before, and all he really knew was his little family and Roman. For a moment he felt something, a twinge of pain swelling along his breast as he gazed upon his new leader...or whatever her title was. And he couldn't understand why. Perhaps he would have to sit down with one of his mothers, or even a brother, to help him come up with a name for it. Was it guilt? Or even regret? He didn't know, he couldn't name it and it almost frustrated him that he felt something he couldn't name. With a soundless breath, he tilted his head as he listened to the woman speak. His eyes would drift to Mama Ama, watching her somehow sit still and show how composed she could...try to be. With a gentle smile he would try and offer her strength if she glanced his way. It must have been challenging for her, prehaps a little scary, knowing her. It wasn't often that she was so seperated from her little family and put there with a spotlight...or rather, in Vitus experiance with her. But then again, little Vitti seemed to be away quite often. This could be standard and he would never know.

Again, that feeling spread through him, this time more sharper, and his brows twinged in confusion. What...was this? He sighed deeply then and shook his head, looking at the ground. It was frustrating, and the more he didn't know the quicker he began to get agitated. That was, untill he heard the woman before them mention that she would like to understand where their interest lied. Tilting his head one way or another he searched for anyone who would stand up to talk. But no one did, and he lost his nerve to do so at that moment. She continued to speak about things that he didn't really understand, before his mama began to talk. Pride, oh he knew this feeling, blossomed within him and spread like heat from a flame as he watched her. She sure seemed to shine here, moreso than she did in the place they had been. When all was said and done he swallowed his anxiety or whatever it was, and he shifted to stand before her once more. Epiphron...the woman that was his grandmother, it seemed. Clearing his throat he would bow his head again, offering her a small smile before it fell to his near-emotionless mask "'would 'earn to defen' and protec' the...pack, and you..." He would clear his throat then, a small but embarrased grin pulling at his lips as he dipped his head again. "'f you'd 'ave me..."

"Burn Baby Burn"

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