
Starrk Rureaux



06-04-2013, 03:22 PM
OOC Name: Shrapnel
How did you get here?: I am god xD
Age: 17

Character's Name: Starrk Rureaux
Age: 1
Season of birth: Autumn
Size: Large
Appearance description: Picture-

In size Starrk is a tiny thing. The boy stands at an average of 34 inches and only weighs 100 pounds. Smaller than most males, especially for his age. The kid is like a walking skeleton. Every bone can be seen through short fur. The boy has an angular head that is rather narrow for his species with close set eyes and ears that perch on top of his head. Despite his slim figure he has amazingly large paws for such a tiny body. Even his tail looks small and thin in comparison to another wolf's.

Despite his abnormally thin body Starrk is quite attractive. He is a mixture of tan and white markings, much like a huskies but not quite at that caliber. The sand color is his base color white white markings reside on his face giving him a mask that covers his eyes, snout, chin, and a little ways down the front of his neck to where his chest begins. The insides of his legs are white in the armpits and the same where his legs are. His stomach is also ivory traveling down to the underside of his tail. To top it all off he even has an adorable white butt. The end of his cheek fur is white as well as the insides of his ears.

Last but not least are Starrk's eyes. The right one is a fiery orange and resembles an inferno while the left is a beautiful gold, much like a dandelion, all of which compliment his face and color pattern very well.
Duty: Runner