
Family is not by blood but by those who cares 4 u


06-04-2013, 03:28 PM

Tikaani soon found herself at the Vahallen boarders. The scent struck her like a brick wall, and she knew that anyone near by could smell her Tortugan scent. Tikaani stood there on the other side of the boarder debating if she should cross over. She wanted to see Chrysanthe and tell her about how Nnitora accepted her offer for him to train her. Tikaani knew that Chrys would be thrilled to hear such a thing.

It was decided then, Tikaani stepped over the Boarders and walked a bit inward. Not so far that she would be invading, but no so close to the boarder so it looked like she was trying to hide. She looked around the land and smiled a bit, it was a nice change then seeing mountains all the time. She raised her maw to the air and called out Chrysanthe. Oh how excited Tikaani was to ell her sister the news.

Lowering her maw Tikaani took a seat upon her haunches and waited for the appearance of Chrys. Tikaani also wanted to tell Chrys that she was participation in a tournament, and hope to win enough battles to get a decent rank. The odds of that happening was low due to hoe young she was, and Tortuga was leaning towards the wise, strong, and well thinkers. That did not stop the hope that she will get a rank worth her skills.


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