
into the woods



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-11-2015, 08:52 PM (This post was last modified: 02-11-2015, 08:52 PM by Epiphron.)
When it came to her blood, her family, she knew little could break the loyalty she had in her heart for them. Epiphron had even loved Syrinx when he had been hated by the world, despite some of the abhorrent things he had done. There was no doubt she would love her children regardless of what they turned out to be, and she knew this with finality as she groomed the matted fur on her son's head. No matter how broken and battered he might be, she would take him in, would love him until he was whole again -- if such a thing was even remotely within the realm of possibility.

The questions of where he had been certainly lingered on her mind, but she knew the time to pry was not now. All that mattered was that he was here with her now, and the thought of him leaving again was tremendously painful to her. Still he assured her it was not her fault, and slowly she would shake her head, though she would not argue. Her blue gaze followed his head as it twisted, craning to focus on her, asking where she lived.

A smile slowly drew itself across her lips, her tail batting gently behind her at the news she had for him. "I have a pack again," she told him softly, her words quiet and full of happiness that she hoped he might reciprocate at the news. "We live farther east, toward the ocean. Amalia is already there." She hoped the rest of her children might join her, or at least a few of them; though she didn't want to instill false hope in her fragile son's heart.