
misty eye of the mountain

Motif I


4 Years
02-11-2015, 09:15 PM

Now I see fire
Inside the mountain

She had to look strong, stern and angry in the face of her sister, but as Rhythm appeared, a dark mist in the shadows and stopped silently before she could feel her resolve wavering. Her sister did not even bother to approach closer then that, did not try to embrace her, or explain her actions in any way. Never had she felt more like she had lost her sister then in that moment, never had Rhythm felt like such a stranger to her.

I see fire
Burning the trees

As she looked at the silent, mournful face of her soul-sister, she broke inside. Her legs shook and she was forced to sit before she collapsed into the earth, all she had needed was that single look to know it was true, history was written in guilt across her sisters face, and told her that this was happening, that Rhythm was abandoning her.

And I see fire
Hollowing souls

She lost her ability to speak, to think, as right there before Rhythm her heart shattered, her eyes dulled and faded to a dim, washed out gold, and with the effort and slowness of a wolf in their last years of life she struggled to aching feet once more and turned, and would begin to walk away from Rhythm, to leave her there in the home of her choosing, to live out her life as she seemed to wish it – away from Motif, she would leave if she was not stopped, and she had no clue where her feet might take her, or if she might ever stop walking again.

I see fire
Blood in the breeze
And I hope that you remember me

- I see fire by Ed Sheeran
