
Tell me, Can I live again?



7 Years

02-12-2015, 01:28 AM

He had crawled back home as promised, after his run in with Cataleya on the way home. A sigh left his boyd as he flopped on top of the den, the cold stone numbing the pain in his body. If only that worked on the pains in his heart. But no matter, there was no reason to blame himself for what Rhythm had done. She had made up her own mind and there was no use in him dwelling in it. He wasn't a drama queen, he wasn't about to throw himself at wolves and sob, he was going to grow a pair and try to get over it. Try. It still made him bitter that she waited until after he was beat on to choose to stay there. What if he had gotten more seriously hurt? Pah... He couldn't even imagine how Motif felt though, Rhythm had been there for her when she needed it most -- when he failed to be there.

Speak of the devil... The chocolate brown form of his sister made her way towards his den. He watched her curiously, golden eyes shimmering in the darkness as he looked on as she flopped down by the mouth of his den. Chuckling softly he let out a soft 'psst' to try and draw her attention upwards. He offered her a small smile, quietly patting the cold ground beside him. "They were fast asleep when I got here, I didn't want to bug them," he whispered, longing for his sister to come up here and make him warm. It was chilly and damp, but at least the ran had stopped. Poor Moty looked as wet as a drowned rat, perhaps they could go and curl up in the den a few feet away from them... He had dug it out for the children to play in, and Starling kept a small collection of pretty flowers that he had found. "There is a den not too far from here if you want to go and curl up there instead of out here. Maybe you will dry quicker." He suggested, his eyes not leaving her collapsed form. She smelled of Rhy, and he didn't dare ask her how it went.