
Make me forget



8 Years
Extra large
02-12-2015, 12:14 PM
Holding her was easy, seeing her so distressed was not. He'd hold her close, like it seemed she needed to be, as she explained further her woes. He still wouldn't really understand her, but he knew what banishment was all too well. He wasn't sure if he wanted to dwindle there either. Maybe he'd get some real answers once she'd calmed down. Still, he could hardly even believe what she'd told him. That sweet little she wolf that looked so much like Motif herself, surely couldn't have done something so terrible that she deserved to be banished?

His words would send them in a totally different direction as Motif's wordless reaction fully dissipated any of their previous conversation. Her kisses would not be ignored as she showed him how much he was needed. She'd whimper softly in his ear as she tugged at his lobe with little tenderness. She'd elicit a playful growl from his maw as he returned those eager nips along her neck. He'd hold himself back, no matter how much he wanted to love her, she seemed like she might break at the slightest touch. He was worried about her. He'd continue to play with her soaked fur, trying to dry the poor thing. "Motif," he'd kiss her more slowly, "You should rest first." He'd nuzzle her tenderly, "Sleep in my den, I'll make sure you get dry."

He had no intentions of letting anything happen to Motif. Not only because of their child, Shaye would have been devastated to see her like this, but because he knew that he couldn't lose the woman. He had no doubt that she wouldn't put up much of a fight. "We can start where we left off when you wake up." He'd promise.