
Stone Cold

Wolf Wolf

02-12-2015, 04:12 PM
Wolf wandered through the area, his fur absorbing every drop of bone-freezing rain and forcing it to stay near his skin. His thick coat felt near as heavy as boulders as he tried to force himself to continue walking forward. Sighing, he shook his coat of the water that would soon regain. He knew a decently long journey still remained in head of him.

Relief flooded over Wolf as he spotted shelter in the distance. No, it wasn't luck. He was a skilled navigator and had been here a little over a month ago, seeking shelter from a sudden snowstorm. He made his way up towards the circle of stones, cautious not to step in a mud puddle and do further damage to his beautiful coat which he had earlier taken so much pride in. He grumbled to himself, annoyed by how much work it would later take to get his coat back to perfect condition.

As he neared the stones, he soon became aware of the fact he wasn't the only one here. Normally, he would walk away and search for shelter elsewhere. However, today he was irritated, cold and tired and all he simply card about was finding shelter to claim as his own. He gave out a low growl outside the shelter the stones had formed.