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8 Years
02-12-2015, 05:58 PM

Previously Callisto had made it very clear to him that she did not wish to talk about her absence and that he would know nothing of it until she was ready to speak of it. Her answer to Kassander, even after Max tried to get him to drop it, would confuse him. She would not tell him, but she would tell Kass. Maximous would do everything in his power to hold his gaze on the boy king. He did not wish for her to know how she had just cut him, she did not need that stress and he would not give it to her.

Kassander had been less than aggravated with Max when he spoke out of term but quelled his temper if only for a moment. A moment that would be used on Calli. He would assure her by first telling her that he would not send her away and then by telling her how Ebony was to be operated under his command. Max would watch and listen to him with the same respect he thought he had always given when another was speaking and did not flinch when Kass all but shouted at him. The man would listen as the boy he thought of as nephew would insult him, it was all Max could do as the boy never listened to him anyway. The only time he could remember ever showing Val disrespect was the day Katja had left the girl in charge, when he spoke his mind. Was he mistaken? No, he didn't think he was but Kassander wasn't around for every conversation they had. To Kassander however, disrespect had been shown only on purpose on one occasion and that was when he had mentioned Callisto's condition. He had only broken a rule because he had thought Calli still part of the pack and showing up late to the stupid fight training hadn't been on purpose.

Still he would remain silent as Kassander paused only to tell him that he wasn't a healer and didn't deserve a rank. Max hated to burst his bubble but he would always be a healer weather or not Kass called him one or not. Not being called a Sola Knight would not alter the dark mans feelings. As the boy would leave Max would shake his head as voicing anything would be pointless. Were it not for Callisto the man would have no reason to stay. Blue, weary eyes would turn to the girl at his side though he would speak no words for a few moments as he took her in. He had no clue as to whether she had feelings for him beyond that of a friend but at this moment he did not care as he would give up much more than his rank for her as in comparison his rank meant nothing to him and she meant the world. "It appears that I am no longer your mentor." and with that he would stand taking only one of two rabbits and go into his den.

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)