
Painted Smile {Valentine}


02-12-2015, 06:14 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.
...and so I would wander.
Ellis had, after a time of thinking, hurting, and wondering, come to a decision. It was outside of her secondary den, an old den, she sat now, in the morning light, breathing slowly in and out. The scent of lavender hung on her coat, habit now, even if originally it had been used solely to hide her heat. The relaxing scent allowed her to clear her thoughts. The tourny with Arcanum was upon her mind, those moments of fighting still making her heart pound in her chest with fear. She had hated that feeling... being forced to act in that way. It was like throwing a child, who didn't know how to swim, into the deepest part of the lake and just yelling "figure it out". That had terrified her, among other things she had just simple observed.

Perhaps supporting Valentine had not been her wisest decision. The man had wanted a military based pack and, well, she wasn't a fighter. But, perhaps the thing that had been hardest for the female, was when she discovered Imperium's newest land. The Range. Othello's home. Her heart hurt when she discovered his scent there. The scent of other Imperium wolves. It felt like an invasion... and... Ellis realized she was just unhappy here. Her best friend was gods knew where with a male who ran around on her. Her own children were somewhere out there. Most importantly, well, Ellis just felt like she didn't belong in this pack any longer.

Head would tilt back, her call for Imperium's alpha ringing across The Range for the blue man.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

"Settle down." Said my heart.
...and so here it was I would settle down.

Table by:: Tea