
hold me to the light, let me shine



10 Years
02-12-2015, 07:46 PM (This post was last modified: 02-12-2015, 07:47 PM by Ara.)

Today, Ara was determined to find one of her favorite herbs -- lavender.

She was highly familiar with the plant, having gathered it many times for her parents. It was a useful herb to know about and it had been one of the first she'd truly collected and administered herself. Still the woman remembered her adventure to the plains back near the Range, when she'd lived in Seracia with her family, where she'd met a girl with similar interests named Callisto. The recollection brought back fond memories, as she made her way south, making a mental note of the sun's position almost directly overhead in the sky. Still she didn't know where her parents had gone, nor where her youngest brother was, but she wasn't willing to leave her wife and children to search for them. Not yet, at least.

The average-sized girl's pawsteps were soft as she padded through the thick grass of the plains, each step deliberate as she fully took in her surroundings. Summer was nearly upon them, and she felt the heat of the sun blazing fiercely down on her dark pelt. It was far hotter here than she expected, and she found herself panting softly as she continued through the gradually thickening grasses that seemed to spring up all around her.

It took some time for her to successfully find what she'd came here for, but when she did, she found herself grinning widely. The bright purple flowers were visible from a great distance away. Despite feeling quite fatigued from her journey here and the hot sun beaming down upon her back, her pace increased quickly until she was close to a small bunch of the plants. With ease she leaned forward to begin to tug at some of the plants, her motions swift but delicate, hardly even wincing at the bitter taste of the lavender stalks as she pulled some up from the dirt near the root.