
sing for me little birdie



5 Years
02-13-2015, 01:30 AM
He lowered his head as the brightest blue eyes looked up at this stranger woman. There really was no denying that she had to have some connection to himself, though, she seemed just too familiar. In some way, at least. And Starling didn't meet very many strangers, just wolves he never met that turned out to be Aunties. With a small swish of his tail his eyes shifted to look at the herbs she shuffled through before acknowledging him. Did she know the elusive secret? She must! Unless, she had an obsession with nature aswell, but Starling tended to collect the pretty, not everything. His question stilled on his tongue when he felt her nudge him, shuffling a bit to the side to avoid falling over or stumbling.

When she gave him the answer of why and how they were so similar he couldn't help but grin. "I knew it!" He said excitedly, his voice still wavering with his shyness but growing louder in volume as he grew comfortable around her. She was an aunt, it seemed, another sibling on his father's side. He wondered, briefly, if he'd meet many on his mother's, but more questions continued to bubble up. But he waited, remembering his manners. "My name is Starling..." He said timidly, dipping his head to her with a gentle smile. "Yours?" He asked softly, his eyes shifting again towards the pile of herbs she had collected. "Wh-what are all those for?" The question couldn't stay in any longer. He was intrigued! Maybe this woman could teach him what they all meant, what he was missing. There was a reason he was so interested, he knew they had to have their use...just like everything else! There had to be something, he just didn't know what.

"Burn Baby Burn"