
Titania x Soliloquy pup [closed]



6 Years
02-13-2015, 01:49 AM (This post was last modified: 02-13-2015, 12:34 PM by Caeto.)

Name: Azula, though I can go with whatever you like too ;3
Gender: Female
Appearance: I'm happy to change anything you want ;3 The white mark around her eye is supposed to look like Sol's but it was a little hard on the chibi so I might make a different ref

Azula Destruction-Oaks (Ah-zu-lah Dee-struk-shun Oh-k-s)

Azula is a large wolf, standing at 35 inches and weighing 136 pounds. She normally stands tall and proud and looks at everything with a pretty selfish but interested look. She is very slim and feminine but her actions show her off as more of a tom-boy.

Azula is a base color of black, coming from her mother and being more of a superior color. She has multiple area's of white though, pulling from her father's genes but very specifically the mark of a Destruction around her eye. She also has white on her jowls, but it does go on the bridge of her nose or her chin. The back of her ears are also white but the insides are black. And finally, all of her toes are white. Her eyes are a bright olive green, mainly coming from her mother but calming from her father's eye color.

Azula doesn't care much of her appearance. She could have clumps of mud dangling all around her and still act as royal as she wants.

Personality: will be written like my other profiles if you don't know that yet xD

As a pup, Azula is very carefree and likes to wander around dangerous places and get into whatever dirt she can. She can cause a lot of trouble and can surely be a bother to her mother by constantly not listening or being too rambunctious. She has no filter so whatever comes to mind comes out of her mouth. She loves to meet stranger and doesn't have any fear of the world.

As an adult, Azula's mother is her best friend. Though she has been learning things from her mother her whole life, she likes to teach her mother things as well though they might not be too friendly. How to manipulate someone into giving them food or helping them find a den for the night, she like to use people and she's not scared to show it later on. She can be a prick most of the time but she always confides in her mother and loves to tell her everything that's been going on in her life. She plans to stay with Titania as long as possible and doesn't care much for who or where her father is. She still likes to play in the mud and doesn't care much for how others feel. She basically likes to push everyone's buttons but not in an evil way.

Plans: Right now I would be planning for her to stay with her mother. If Sol wants to come around at all even once, he can feel free to do so but she would still be wanting to live with her mother. Eventually I would like her to meet other Destructions and actually learn that they are her family. She may meet some before then but won't know that she is related to them.

My roleplay sample is a little too small for me to like, but a have a strong feeling for the character and hope to have a good character relationship like Zola does with Lian.

If you have any ideas like an odd shaped marking, jewelry, or other things that have to be paid for let me know. Maybe her and Titania could have matching necklaces or bangles or something and I can help you pay for anything if you'd like even though you are offering to help pay xD

Roleplay Sample:

The tiny pup had been laying in the den all night and she couldn't stand it! The second she saw the sun's light hit the wall of her den she shot up and ran outside to go find something new or do the same old thing she did everyday. But quickly she came to a halt, standing in her place to think for a moment. She forgot her mother; again! She would turn around and trot back to the mouth of her den before shouting inside,

"I'm going out mom!"

If she wanted to come with that was fine, if not, whatever! She could have fun either way! She didn't hesitate to turn around and make her way into the forest. What was there to do today?