
The World's Enemy


02-13-2015, 02:05 AM
The voice of another would catch Alvin's attention. First, he looked forward with pricked ears until he turned his head slightly towards the voice though not enough to actually see him. And then he would back up his front legs that had made their way into the water and rest them on the side of the bank. Only then would he start to face the boy with a raised brow and a rather judgmental face.

"Oh, please." He spoke arrogantly almost as if he were the most important wolf on this earth, "Both my parents died within the last eight months. Chances are pretty low that I jump into the water and get swept away and drown."

Chances were pretty low... If you believed in that stuff. Though if Karma were a thing, it'd be hitting Alvin every twenty seconds. His behavior should have swept him away and killed him, but here he was still trekking around. Having other's look after him. Annoying. He already had Bass trying to control his life and put him in training and whatnot. Alvin didn't need his little heathens running after him doing the same thing. He could look out fine for himself. He'd be okay; okay enough to get the hell out of here when he was ready.

Walk "Talk" Think