
Ma, I don't understand...



5 Years
02-13-2015, 07:42 AM
 Vitus was frustrated. He didn’t understand why his family seemed to be failing so. Or, at least that’s the way it felt. Every single time Vitus believed they were doing well, that they found a place to put their paws, something else happened. Well, at least that’s how Vitus felt. He wasn’t very good with emotions or reading things like this. All he knew was that there was a new negativity hanging around them, and he wasn’t quite sure what it was. Was it that they weren’t welcome here? could be, but he felt welcome at the meeting. He didn’t understand, and it frustrated him. Every single moment he felt frustrated, he got angrier and angrier. It grew like fire and ice in his veins, blossoming like cancer. It ate him up, and he didn’t understand why! His own tensions were high, he was so strung out he found himself snapping more and more often. It was in these moments that he went away from home, that he ventured out to run, or do some training, or try and find a spar to partake in. Physical was the only way that he knew how to work out his anger. But today, today he found himself sitting beneath a tree, glaring at the water that spread in the distance. His nose was wrinkled as he felt, strongly, the anger and aggrivation of his frustration. It was nearly a prominent feature on his normally stoic face. He sighed, lowering his head and closing his eyes tightly. He hoped, a very small but loud part of him, that his mother..that Athena would find him. He loved Amalia, but right now he needed her affection probably the most. She would know what was going on in his head, and how to explain to him what was happening, he was sure of it.

"Burn Baby Burn"

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