
A date with destiny



10 Years
Athena I
02-13-2015, 12:09 PM

Phoebe wandered through the territory with no real destination in mind, but instead a task that she had been trying her best to do. She honestly had no idea how to go about this whole alpha thing, but one thing she had taken to doing was walking through the territory and looking for all of her pack members to see what they were doing to try and get a general feel for how everyone in the pack was doing. These journeys also gave her plenty of time to be alone with her thoughts which could be a blessing or a curse. Generally she tried to avoid thoughts of Conan or Natalya, but today those thoughts seemed to be more persistent than usual. She could feel the stress of it wearing on her, but she didn't know how to fix either of those things.

She spotted a russet form in the distance and she thought for a moment that it was Helios, but upon closer inspection she realized it was her nephew Hercules. She knew he had been sick for a while now so it was encouraging to see him out and about. She smiled, momentarily distracted from her woes, as she hurried toward him. "Hercules! It's so good to see you, dear," she said as she got closer, leaning in to give her nephew a small kiss on his cheek. She remembered a time in the not so distant past when she had taken quite a liking to the young man, back when he was just an eager pup. "How are you feeling? Better?"

"Talk" "You" Think