
The Price Of Freedom

Cassius 1


3 Years
02-13-2015, 01:48 PM

but i never let it get me down

He had gained maybe a pound in the several days since his return. It was a pitiful gain, but a gain nevertheless. His mother would be proud, had he thought to tell her. Odds were she wouldn't notice, as the skin still hung slack around his midsection and he still looked an absolute hot mess. He had decided it was time again for a bath, and as much as he had grown to abhor the water he knew his mother wouldn't like it if he looked disheveled all the hours of the day. And so, quite reluctantly, he moved toward the delta. He had been here once before, maybe twice, and it was close enough to Fiori that he thought he could find his way back if he really tried. Jaws fell slack to release a medium sized stone from the confines of his maw, leaving it in his wake a few hundred yards from Fiori's border. He would march on, occasionally dropping another stone here or there, as a marker for himself. He didn't trust his navigating skills, it was the same set of skills that had gotten him into heaps of trouble in the past. Finally, when he was void of stones and could hear the delta in the distance, he picked up his pace - continuing in a straight line. Five hundred one, five hundred two, five hundred three... Yes, he had found that if he set off in a straight line and counted his paces he could manage to turn around and go back the same way he came (following the stones, of course) with very little trouble. He lifted his head up at last (for he very rarely walked while looking anywhere but at his front paws) and noted the figure of another. The other was cloaked in a familiar looking coat, and for a moment the breath caught in his throat. Caeto was there. He halted, having forgotten what pace he was on. There were no stones left either, and so he froze momentarily, evaluating the situation. Would his brother want to see him? His mother certainly had wanted to see him. He continued staring through bi-hued eyes, occasionally drawing in a ragged breath to sustain his current state of consciousness. Finally, when he felt particularly brave at approximately twenty feet away, he found himself uttering (rather quietly, of course) his brother's first name. "Caeto."