
every step that I take (ABAVEN)



7 Years
Extra large

02-13-2015, 06:35 PM (This post was last modified: 02-13-2015, 06:36 PM by Lark.)
The time he'd spent hunting with his father had been deeply rewarding. It was rare he get time alone with him, for he had four other siblings to share his father with -- and so he would cherish the time and hope that they could hunt again soon. But the call of a stranger would interrupt their training session. Before he had time to ask who it was, Bass would invite him to join, telling him it was something about politics. He'd never really know much about the relations between other packs, though he knew Abaven had to be the best; an eager, rare smile touched his lips as he nodded in silent agreement.

Not wanting his effort to go wasted, he snatched the mink he had killed and tracked -- with a good amount of help from his father, of course -- and began to carry it, trailing gladly after Bass.

Who the male who had called his father from the border, he did not know. The boy's expression was empty, albeit slightly scrutinizing as he gazed upon this man. He wasn't terribly old, but not a child either. After a moment he dropped his kill, though kept it slightly behind him, as though afraid this stranger might snatch it up. His chest puffed with pride as he eyed him. "Lark," he introduced himself quickly after his father gestured to him. He had a burning desire to ask who this stranger was, and why he was here, but he felt his father had control of the situation and he would grow silent as he waited, wondering what would unfold.