
tell me what i want to hear



13+ Years

Treat 2019
02-13-2015, 09:04 PM

The chocolate colored she wolf hadn't quite made it from the den Valentine had offered on her first night. She felt drained, and was sure this was the most isolated she had ever been. When she'd accepted Valentine's request she had every intention of spending much of her time as she did when in Abaven, with Shaye or Motif. The simple thought that she'd lost her niece along with her tiny brothers was crushing. The real torture was that she couldn't get her mind off the perfect little girl. Eventually those memories would drive her from the hole in the earth she was calling a den.

She'd hardly slept, which was probably apparent in her disheveled appearance, her eyes were droopy and her ears wouldn't quite perk forward. Listlessly her mahogany frame would move over the knolls. Rhythm remembered the territory like she was here with Valentine on their first date. Though the winder had made the place look slightly different she knew where her feet would take her. She could almost see the cuts of their hooves into the dirt and snow that surrounded the preferred place of Imperium's alpha. Not that she anticipated his presence here, this place held a familiarity that drew her in.

She'd try to fill her mind of thoughts from that particular day, of the incredible experience he'd shown her with the buffalo as well as his amusing tumble down the hill. Not that she thought his pain had been amusing. A shimmer of a smile touched her lips as she lifted herself onto the mostly flat boulder, the sun warmed rock doing her good as she relaxed on its surface. A sigh would release from her dark lips, not of contentment but in sorrow, as she lay her head on dainty paws. What was she going to do with out her family in her life?
