
Till the love runs out

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
02-13-2015, 10:04 PM

Her call summoned her Mother to her, and she lifted her head up to look at the taller woman, wagging her tail lightly behind her as she gazed upwards with love at the woman who had birthed her, and the woman who she shared with Shai and loved dearly. She opened her maw to ask about Rhythm, then noticed her mothers watery face and eyes, closed her maw again and tilted her head in confusion. She remained that way for a moment, then opened her mouth again and asked “Your eyes are leaking, just like Rhythm's did.. did you stub your foot too mumma?” she was also going to give the same advice to her mother as she had given to Rhythm – that the pain didn't last long and she would be all fine after again, advice that once had come from Shai and now seemed to be Shaye's line to say – she was proud to be the bearer of wisdom that once had come from her wise and sweet father.

Before she could get the words out, her mother collapsed on the earth, and Shaye's ears went back in alarm and worry. Motif must have stubbed her foot real good! Again, before she could speak, Motif was scooping her up and drawing her close, squeezing her against her mothers chest so that the little girl flailed and gasped. “Muuuuum!” she whinnied, exasperated, through also not quite pulling away, in case this helped her mother get over the stubbed toe faster. After a few moment Motif loosened her grip and looked Shaye in the eyes. Shaye had the feeling that serious stuff was about to be said, so she said down patiently and looked right back at her mother, her head tilted and her ears all floppy, and ready to listen. “Listen, Shaye, about Rhythm... she... she decided to go away from here and live somewhere else, with other people. Its... its sort of complicated at the moment, but you might not be able to see her for a little while, okay?” her mother told her.

Shaye looked at her mother in surprise and alarm, not see Rhythm! But that wasn't possible! But she looked at her mothers serious face again and bit back her protest, instead, dejectedly, she said. “Okay mumma, I guess I can wait a day or two to see her again, but i'm going to need someone to play with, can I go find dad now?” she asked



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