
Till the love runs out

Motif I


4 Years
02-13-2015, 10:11 PM (This post was last modified: 02-13-2015, 10:12 PM by Motif I.)

As she held her little girl tightly too her, she could hear her whine in protest at being smothered, and after a moment she loosened her grip. She then looked down at her daughter, and a little part of her was proud to see Shaye looking intensively back, clearly she knew what Motif was about to say was serious and that she had to listen. Through Motif took a couple moments to collect herself and pick her words carefully.. she might have told Rhythm, in the heat of the moment, that she would tell Shaye that Rhythm thought she just wasn't important enough to be an incentive for Rhythm to say, but of course she would murder anyone who dared say such a thing to her sweet and innocent girl. No, she would do this as gently as she could to Shaye, try and make it look like nothing was wrong.

“Listen, Shaye, about Rhythm... she... she decided to go away from here and live somewhere else, in a place called Imperium, with other people. Its... its sort of complicated at the moment, but you might not be able to see her for a little while, okay?” there was a lot of pauses and hesitations in her speech, but Shaye didn't seem to notice. Instead Shaye's face crumbled, and Motif's heart plummeted, expecting her daughter to kick up a fuss and demand to see Rhythm – honestly, Motif had no idea how to handle that should it come, so when Shaye answered, sounding somewhat mature about the situation, through needing someone else to play with, Motif's heart squeezed with love. She bent down and gave her girl a little kiss on the forehead and nodded her head. “I think that's a wonderful idea, go find your father” she agreed gently, maybe Shai would make everything alright for their little girl, like he had done such a good job of making Motif feel better.
