
Yours is the first face that I saw



5 Years
02-14-2015, 10:05 AM
It wouldn't take Frith long at all to reach her and it would bring a small smile to her features as the man joined her. "Alright. It's still only early stages." He had probably seen that fact for himself, and would likely remember just as well as she had but all the same she felt the need to point that out. Truthfully she would have been perfectly fine leaving him to his own oblivious devices for a little while longer, though something told her that Frith wouldn't have appreciated her leaving it till the last minute and his support to be honest was of course always welcomed.

As time stretched on, the labour would progress, how long it had been she truly couldn't be certain but the pups were getting closer and closer to making their appearance in this world. She had moved inside and settled down as best as she could in the den and as pain worsened and pushing began the first of the litter would eventually make his way into the world. Hastily Novella set to work upon cleaning the child before gently guiding him into place at her stomach.

The second pup would be the last of the litter it seemed, a tired calm now allowed to fall over the den as she cleaned and nudged the smaller, darker girl to join her brother. No wonder her bump had been smaller, only two pups this time and both far smaller than Aslan had been. They were just as perfect though, and weary eyes would watch them with the similar look of amazement she had once studied Aslan, Varda and Herne with.