
Stone Cold

Wolf Wolf

02-14-2015, 10:51 AM
Wolf flicked the freezing water from his ears as he slowly went around one of the huge stones, preparing to turn the corner and attack if needed. Although, being so cold, tired and hungry, his senses told him escaping might have to be a possibility. He shook his head. Confront your enemies, running isn't an option he told himself. Although, he wasn't stupid. He knew it was.

The wind started to pick up, blowing the already freezing rain into Wolfs face, disorientating him as the water blurred his vision temporarily. He could feel a tingle run up his spine as the hair stood up on the back of his neck and he realized he may have put himself in a really bad situation. His heart rate started to increase and his breathing got faster. He took a few steps back and tried to remain calm. Wolf took a few deep breaths before moving forward with his head lowered near the ground, and his ears bent backwards. He peaked around the corner just in time to hear the stranger speak.

"Name yourself! What do you want?" she demanded. Wolf loosened up, feeling less threatened after seeing the size of the female. Although, he stayed cautious. She could be skilled and he needed to protect himself. He walked into the strangers eyesight slowly and sat down, eying her carefully. "I apologize if I startled you miss. He bowed his head slightly as he stood out in the rain. He flicked his left in a failed attempt to keep water from flowing into his eye. Leaning towards not telling the stranger his name just yet, he left it out.

Observing the surroundings of the stones, he took in details he had not noticed before. He stared at the beauty it had to offer, soon becoming unaware of the fact it was pouring down on him, and he was in the presence of a stranger who could easily take advantage of him in this day-dream state he was in.