
Stone Cold



6 Years
02-14-2015, 01:51 PM

The man at least had the courtesy to take a few steps back at her request, albeit with a bothered expression. Kuwindwa did not think her request unreasonable however and only watched as he proceeded to seat himself in the rain and mud once more. His words prompted her eyes to narrow and nose to scrunch distastefully. What he said was in part true, but that did not stop her from being wary. This much she said: "And if you had, my wariness would have kept my head where it belongs: on my shoulders," and will continue to do so.

His posture was relatively lax; he had size and brute strength on his side. The same could not be said of Kuwindwa, who slunk away from the stones even as the man spoke. Her gaze was caustic as she looked at him, but it was clear enough now what his aforementioned growl had been about. All he wanted was the shelter she had happened across first. Exhausted as she was, it wasn't worth a fight. She was alone and friendless: she could not afford injuries. That understanding didn't make her any more amicable however as her eyes flicked from him to the small space she'd just vacated. She left plenty of space between herself and the shadowy male, circumventing him so she could move on. Her posture remained half-crouched, ready to spring at a moment's notice. She was the image of a wolf who was afraid, but her stony expression told another story altogether as she snapped coldly, "Then take it."

Emotionally Kuwindwa felt as bitter and cold as the weather. Her voice all but dripped with it. Under other circumstances she might have shown less emotion but where her posture might betray her now, her face did remain a constant mask frozen in place but for the brief shows of expression she'd given him thus far. It was like something dead lived inside Kuwindwa - the emotion was the facade, not the other way around. She was running for crimes she didn't even commit! The only thing she was guilty of was not acting quickly enough... and that left an icy chill in her spirit she had not been able to shake. Now she used that bitterness against this stranger, however unintentionally.

Kuwindwa didn't proceed to leave immediately, instead watching the man almost expectantly. What kind of reaction was she expecting? She didn't want thanks or appreciation. Maybe she only wanted to make sure he was settled before she dared turn her back on him. That seemed most likely. In any case she waited, rain seeping into her pelt anew. She could withstand bitter winter and snow - but cold and damp? This is not worth a fight... she reminded herself.

i am . t i t a n i u m .
Plot with Kuwindwa